yadda yadda checkk out my tumblyyyyy tumblypoos


Hi, I'm Ethan!

Taking it slow updating this-- I'm in the baby stages of learning html! I primarily plan on using neocities to host the collage/diary/comic(?) project I'm currently working on.

Every time I learn a new skill I will integrate it into my site. Thanks for tuning in!


This is where I will post links to other pages on my site. I plan on adding a section for SCRAPS- my collage project, REVIEWS- longer-fom thoughts on media, THE SHELF- dedications to things I enjoy, BITS- links to my bitsy games, and MANUALS- how-to guides on my most recent cosplays.


Small blurb. Tiny updates.


I will probably embed someone else's guestbook code here. Who knows! Maybe I will be able to create my own eventually.